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Q Group - The institute for quantitative research in finance

Application Procedures

Call for Working Papers

Call for Working Papers 2024 Jack Treynor Prize

Awarded by The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance (Q Group), the Jack Treynor Prize recognizes superior academic working papers with potential applications in the fields of investment management and financial markets. Q Group awards prizes for prepublication working papers produced by post-doctoral researchers who are employed full-time by academic institutions.

In September and October 2024, Q Group Research Committee will review and select three papers to be recognized for the Jack Treynor Prize. Winners of the prize will be invited to attend the organization’s Spring 2024 conference where they will be formally recognized and given the opportunity to discuss their research with Q Group members. Q Group will provide funding for travel and accommodations for one author of each winning prize. Winners will be announced in the Journal of Portfolio Management and on the Q Group website. In addition, Q Group may invite the author(s) to present their paper at the Spring or a future conference. When published, winning papers may acknowledge the Q Group Jack Treynor Prize in their introductory footnotes.

Application Procedure

Authors interested in competing for a Q Group Jack Treynor Prize should submit no more than one working paper per author in PDF format by Friday, August 16, 2024. The first page of your submission must include a short statement that describes your main results and identifies their relevance to the Q Group mission—advancement of the global practice of investment management—and relevance to the work of organization members.  We will not consider submissions that are missing this statement.

If a coauthor has submitted a paper of yours, you may submit another paper. However, we will consider only one version of a paper for a prize. The Research Committee identifies two versions of a paper as the same paper if their intended primary innovation is the same regardless of any changes in authorship, title, methodology, or data. If you or a coauthor submitted your paper in a previous year, do not resubmit it regardless of how much it has changed or who submitted it.  Please ensure that you and your co-authors only submit your paper once.

The Q Group collects working papers submissions for the Prize through the ConfTool website. Please submit your papers via this link.  As the ConfTool system is designed primarily to collect submissions to conferences, not prize competitions, some language that you see may be slightly inappropriate for this Prize competition.

Place the short statement described above on the first page of your submission. You also must copy it into the Abstract Box on the submission form. Finally, please carefully classify your contribution to the field identifies provided by ConfTool.

You may direct further questions to Larry Harris at or (323) 244-1154

Q Group - The institute for quantitative research in finance

Contact Us
Executive Director
Jenna Ayala

Program Coordinator
Robin Greenwood 

Research Coordinator
Lawrence Harris

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